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In vitro fertilisation (IVF) is a way to let sperm fertilise egg cells outside of the womb. IVF is used so that infertile women may still have children. IVF is done by: Injecting a chemical drug to stop a woman's menstrual cycle Injecting FSH so that an ova is released from the woman's ovaries HCG is injected to loosen the ova The ova is removed from the vagina A sample of sperm is taken The sperm and egg are added together and a sperm will fertilise an egg The fertilised egg (zygote) is then injected into the woman's uterus IVF technique has really been a revolution in fertility treatment. In IVF, hormonal injections are used for stimulating the woman's ovaries. The injections are timed according to her period dates. Her response to the injections is judged by Trans-vaginal sonography. When the eggs reach the mature stage, the eggs are retrieved by aspirating the fluid from the follicles. Egg retrieval is done through the vagina under general anaesthesia and sonography guidance. The fertilization of the egg and the sperm happens outside the woman's body and the fertilized egg is then transferred in the woman's womb. The egg is cultured in Petri dishes containing culture medium, subsequently; the oocytes(eggs) are fertilized with husband's sperm after 4-6 hours of incubation. After 16 to 20 hours, the oocytes are checked for the 2 pronuclear stages implying successful fertilization. After another 24-48 hours of culture, the best embryos (4-cell /8 cell stage) are transferred back to the uterus. In the event of one of them implanting, successful pregnancy is established.

What Are Advantages of Laparoscopic Surgery: In open surgery, surgeon has to make large incision to perform surgery, but in case of laparoscopic the size of the incisions are much smaller, as a result risk of bleeding is reduced to a considerable extent. This in turn reduces the chances of blood transfusion being needed to compensate for any blood loss. In laparoscopic surgery, the person feel less discomfort after the operation. In most cases the person who is been operated goes home the very next day of surgery. The operated person can resume his or her daily activities earlier. In case of laparoscopy, significantly smaller scars are formed due to the smaller incision size. In most open surgery where large incision need to be made, the scare tissue that forms is more prone to infection. In some people, these scar tissue can cause pain, and in 1-3% of people, may lead to intestinal obstruction at some point in their lives. Exposure of the internal organs to external contaminants is much less in laparoscopic surgery, therefore reducing the risk of post-operative infection Laparoscopic surgeon sees the magnified images of the organ parts on the monitor. This gives the laparoscopic surgeon more detail about the tissues that might not be possible using traditional surgery. Laparoscopic surgery also referred as minimally invasive surgery is among the key advances in medical surgery. Laparoscopic surgery is getting popular in India, as it makes much of minimally invasive surgery possible today and many other benefits compare to open surgery. The popularity of laparoscopic surgery began almost three decades ago when laparoscopic cholecystectomy was first introduced. The overwhelming public interest enjoyed by the laparoscopic cholecystectomy forced many surgeons who had neglected operative laparoscopy to take notice. Today there are many laparoscopic surgeons across India with the top laparoscopic surgeons in Mumbai. What is Laparoscopic Surgery: Laparoscopic surgery is a modern method of surgery which involves the use of laparoscope (a thin fiber optic tube) that has a small video camera attached on its tip. In this type of surgery, small incisions of 0.5-1cm (known as port) are made. The laparoscope is inserted through this small incision mostly in the navel, and guided to the problem area. The Laparoscopic surgeon then inserts tiny surgical instruments through other small incisions (ports) to perform a procedure. The video camera transmits an image of the organs inside the abdomen onto a screen or monitor. The laparoscopic surgeon cannot see directly the part of the patient’s organ that he or she is performing operation on rather surgeon uses the image captured by the camera positioned inside the patient’s body to perform surgical operation. The camera in any laparoscopic surgery becomes the surgeon’s eye.

Birthing, Infertility Workup & Surgeries, Advanced Laparoscopic surgery, International Quality Surgical Expertise, Specific Expertise and specialization in, Laparoscopic Myomectomy, Laparoscopic Hysterectomy ,fibroids & Heavy bleeding, Laparoscopic Colposacropexy,prolapse, Laparoscopic Colposupension,Sterss incontinence, Cervical Screening & Colposcopy Based on International guidelines.

About Us


Wel Come..

Dr. Sanjay Rajaram Manjalkar MBBS, MD (OB/GYN), DFP Dr. Sanjay Rajaram Manjalkar is a highly experienced Gynaecologist, who has been practising in Nalasopara (Thane) for over 19 years. He is the owner of Saidham Maternity and Nursing Home located on Achole Road in Nalasopara East. He is also one of the Directors of Siddhi IVF Centre in Vasai.


Dr. Sanjay Manjalkar completed his MBBS from KEM Hospital and Seth GS Medical College in Mumbai. He did his post-graduation at Grant Medical College & Sir JJ Group of Hospitals, Mumbai, for the MD (Obstetrics & Gynaecology) degree. Dr. Manjalkar has also completed a Diploma in Family Planning from the College of Physicians & Surgeons, Mumbai. In addition to his extensive experience and expertise in Gynaecology, Dr. Sanjay Manjalkar is also proficient in infertility treatment and laparoscopy.


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